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Columnaris, caused by the bacterium Flavobacterium columnare, is a prevalent and potentially devastating disease in koi. It thrives in warm water (above 68°F or 20°C) and can spread rapidly, especially in crowded or stressful conditions. The disease can be mistaken for fungal infections due to its appearance, so accurate diagnosis is crucial.



  • Grayish Patches: On skin, fins, or mouth, resembling a mold-like appearance.

  • Frayed Fins: Often a sign of advanced infection.

  • Open Sores: Ulcers or lesions on the body or mouth.

  • Behavioral Changes: Lethargy or reduced appetite.


  1. Poor Water Quality: High ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate levels.

  2. Stress: From overcrowding, temperature fluctuations, or transport.

  3. Injuries: Create entry points for the bacteria.

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Treating Koi Fish With Columnaris


Step 1: Quarantine the Infected Fish

  • Move affected koi to a quarantine tank to prevent the disease from spreading.

  • Ensure the tank has clean, well-aerated water with consistent temperature (75-78°F or 24-26°C).


Step 2: Treat the Water in the Quarantine Tank

​Medicated Bath Options

  1. Potassium Permanganate (PP):

    • Use 2 ppm for 4-6 hours or follow package instructions.

    • This will reduce bacterial load on the fish's skin and fins.

  2. Acriflavine or Formalin-Malachite Green:

    • Effective for treating external bacterial infections.

    • Follow manufacturer dosage for your tank size.

  3. Salt Bath:

    • Create a salt bath using non-iodized salt at a concentration of 0.3-0.5%.

    • This helps reduce stress, improves mucus production, and inhibits bacterial growth.


Step 3: Administer Antibiotics

Oral Antibiotics

  • Use medicated koi food containing Amoxicillin, Oxytetracycline, Kanamycin, or Minocycline.

  • Feed the fish exclusively with this food for 10-14 days.

Injectable Antibiotics (Veterinary Supervision Recommended)

  • Ampicillin, Enrofloxacin (Baytril), or Ceftazidime injections can directly combat severe bacterial infections.



Step 4: Topical Treatments for Affected Areas

  1. Sedate the Fish:

    • Use a fish-safe anesthetic like clove oil (10-20 drops per gallon).

  2. Clean the Lesions:

    • Gently clean ulcers or lesions on the body, mouth, or fins with iodine, Betadine, or hydrogen peroxide using a cotton swab.

  3. Apply Antibacterial Ointment:

    • Use a koi safe topical antibiotic like Propolis, Debride Gel, or Neosporin.


Step 5: Boost Immunity

  • Add vitamin-enriched food or supplements (Vitamin C or E) to the diet.

  • Use stress-reducing water conditioners with aloe vera or other immune-boosting agents.


Step 6: Address the Pond Environment

Improve Water Quality

  • Test water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH levels. Correct any imbalances.

  • Increase aeration and perform partial water changes (20-30%) to reduce organic load.

Disinfect the Pond

  • Treat the entire pond with Potassium Permanganate or another broad-spectrum antibacterial agent to reduce bacterial load.

  • Quarantine new or stressed fish before reintroducing them to the pond.

Observation and Follow-Up

  • Monitor the fish daily for improvement. Look for reduced redness, healing of ulcers, and increased activity.

  • If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a veterinarian specializing in aquatic animals.


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3913 S. Chestnut st.

Lufkin TX 75901

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